Kalama Sutta

Kalama Sutta, a Buddhic Teaching on my string of pearls. May it serve you on your spiritual journey as it has mine. (It’s a discourse of the Buddha contained in the Anguttara Nikaya of the Tipitaka.) Melanie

Soul Dialogue

In September of 2019, I created this audio Soul Dialogue for those who were attending a Soul Retreat with me in December 2019. Since then, many have found it helpful for meditation and asked me to share it again… May the beauty within Soul Dialogue leave you inspired with its blessings. ?Melanie

We’re Back

melaniechong.com has been resurrected, thanks to Thom! Thom Forbes was my partner in getting melaniechong.com visible. He set up the site in 2013, maintained it with generosity of spirit and the expertise of his profession as an editor and journalist. The date of the last blog post was August 2018. Here we are in June …

Chakras, Dantiens And The Link Between Them

Words like chakra and dantian can leave one mystified, especially if you are a newcomer to the world of energetics or subtle energy bodywork. As a Reiki practitioner and teacher for 27 years, I see the benefits of education and the sharing of different approaches to best equip the learner with some foundation into the …

Teach/Remind Me To Love ?

?What will it take to know??? was recently added as the tagline to melaniechong.com.?It serves as a companion to ?the healing energies of love? essay on the home page. I was reminded of the phrase, ?don?t put the cart before the horse? when I contemplated this pairing. How? Keeping it as simple imagery, the horse …


I found myself contemplating how an understanding of the way that biological enzymes function in metabolism would shed light on Valentin Tomberg?s teaching on ?spiritual enzymes? in Meditations on the Tarot, A Journey into Christian Hermeticism. He also refers to them as spiritual exercises. Here is one definition of biological enzymes I found: ?They are …