Metta: Loving Kindness

This morning I read the 2013 Leo New Moon by Dale Osadchuk (reprinted below in its entirety with Dale?s contact information) and thought it would be an opportunity to refer to the 52 mental states/factors as taught in A Manual of Abhidhamma by Narada Maha Thera, which I mentioned in a post last week. The …

Speaking of Ether

In a Reiki gathering recently, one of the group members asked about the third Reiki symbol HSZSN as it related to retrieving childhood memories for healing. For those who are Okuden certified, you are familiar with the three symbols that are taught in this level. This enquiry on retrieval of childhood memories resulted in a …

Reiki Used To Help Cancer Patients

Gilda’s Club, which offers support to cancer patients, is now offering services, including Reiki, inside hospitals ?in the?Philadelphia?area, according to this recent story in the Philadelphia Inquirer. A 60-year-old cancer patient who admits that she has been feeling very depressed is ?featured in the article, as are Reiki practitioners?Diane Strassle and Marcy McGuire. “As the …