In a Reiki gathering recently, one of the group members asked about the third Reiki symbol HSZSN as it related to retrieving childhood memories for healing. For those who are Okuden certified, you are familiar with the three symbols that are taught in this level.
This enquiry on retrieval of childhood memories resulted in a couple of experiential exercises and sharing of the element of ether. HSZSN, which is used as a focus for distant healing, is referred to at times as ?establishing the ether tube connection.?? If you are interested to read further, I have found Threshold Resources to be a credible source of information.
I also suggest going beyond the explanations provided in Reiki and check out other sources of understanding ?ether.?
One body of work that has drawn my interest for several years is the Buddhist text A Manual of Abhidhamma (you can download a free PDF copy here). The level of analysis and knowledge contained in what is described as ?the Higher Teaching of the Buddha? will richly reward you. Be forewarned, however, that the material is quite analytical so I recommend having a rested body/mind disposition when you read it.
In the event you do pursue the text and would like to share, drop me an email at [email protected].
Interested in the experiential exercises of retrieving memories? I am happy to share those with you as well.